Catalog OfGraphically Superb Items
Please order by Item Number (please note that the numbers are not consecutive)
All items are in Very Good Condition, or better unless otherwise noted. Please order by Item Number. Items are ordered first by (steamship line) then by ship name. Please list alternate choices on your order when possible.
Nice color trade card. Front shows port bow view of “ST. LOUIS, US Auxiliary cruiser under fire off Santiago May 18 1898″. The back advertises Sailings between NY and Southampton. Dated October, 1899. Measures 3.25×6.25”.
$65.00 -
Superb and colorful advertising card. Measures 3.25×5″. Superb starboard color illustration of the liner on the face, the reverse advertises the weekly service between NY and Glasgow and NY and Liverpool. Slight pitting on card. c1880s.
$85.00 -
Superb c1880s trade card measures 3.25×5.25″. Very colorful front with illustration of man with 2 women at a picnic. Reverse has text and service from Oriental Grove on Long Island Sound to Coney island via Excelsior Park, Alpine Grove, Occidental Grove, Columbia Grove and Raritan Beach Cove. Slight crease line.
$75.00 -
pCWS58QUEEN MARY(Cunard White Star)
pc. Lovely aerial illustration shows how the liner would appear placed across Trafalgar Square in London. c1936.
$85.00 -
First Class Dinner Menu dated 7/3/1955. Very RARE and collectible cover shows the Cunard Building in Liverpool, by CE Turner. From her Maiden Voyage. 8.25�10.5?. 4 page folder menu.
$150.00 -
16 page booklet. 8×9″. Contains Deck Plan for COMMONWEALTH, PRISCILLA, PROVIDENCE, PLYMOUTH (4 sets!). 10 exterior photos, 8 interior photos. Text, schedules, fares, map. NY-New England service. Also included Providence Line, New Bedford Line, New London Line, Hartford Line. 1925. Superb colorful graphic cover!
$125.00 -
Cabin Passenger List. Havre-NY. Oct 18 1890. 4 page folder. 6×8.5″. Superb colorful graphically superb covers. Color illustration of a ship on the front cover. Paste marks to back cover. Minor tear.
$175.00 -
Cabin Passenger List. NY-Havre July 6 1880. 4 page folder. 6×9.25″. This item has superb graphic covers on both front and back. This item has been previously folded several times, and there are some tears (repaired) along one of the folds.
$150.00 -
Cabin Passenger List. Sailing to NY. June 2 1888. 4 page folder. 6×9″. Absolutely superb color graphics on both cover panels. There is damage to the edge, but only white border is gone. None of the names are affected by the paper loss.
$100.00 -
pFR159LA SAVOIE(French)
Very colorful art deco postcard. Lovely deck scene shows several people with the “La Savoie” life ring visible. Used, 1910.
$60.00 -
Superb colorful advertising post card. Shows woman by coast with French Line flags above and illustration of a liner. c1910.
$85.00 -
Superb and colorful advertising card. Measures 3.25×5.25″. A port view of the steamer at sea is featured on the face of the card. Statistics on top. The reverse side advertisies sailings of the CITY OF ROME, CITY OF BERLIN, CITY OF RICHMOND, CITY OF CHESTER, CITY OF MONTREAL, CITY OF BRUSSELS, CITY OF NEW YORK, CITY OF PARIS. Brief text about service. A piece of tape residue is on the back. c1881. Very nice! This liner sailed only one year for the INMAN Line, she was transferred to Anchor Line in 1882.
$95.00 -
Colorful old advertising card. Measures 3.25×5.25″. Front shows color port bow view of Inman Liner near harbor. The reverse side mentions CITY OF CHICAGO, CITY OF BERLIN, CITY OF RICHMOND, CITY OF CHESTER, CITY OF MONTREAL, CITY OF PARIS. c1880s. Upper left corner clipped, some damage to back of card.
$85.00 -
Superb and colorful advertising card. Measures 3.5×5.5″. A port view of a steamer at sea under full sail is featured on the face of the card. The reverse of the card has text in German. Slight crease. c early 1880s.
$95.00 -
Graphically superb advertising card. Colorful illustration of man fishing at beach on front, text about sailing from NY to Long Branch on the reverse. 2.25×4.5″. Card appears to have been trimmed down from it’s original size. c1880s.
$65.00 -
Beautiful and rare 1881 trade card. 3×5.25″. One side has a very colorful illustration of a ship against an attractive background of wildlife in wilderness. The reverse has the rates of freight for Oranges.
$85.00 -
Beautiful and rare 1881 trade card. 3×5.25″. One side has a very colorful illustration of a ship against an attractive background of a man & woman with parasol. The reverse lists the advantages of Mallory Line.
$85.00 -
Beautiful and rare 1881 trade card. 3×5.25″. One side has a 2 colorful illustrations (One of children at winter play, the other of a couple picking oranges.) The reverse has the rates of freight for Oranges.
$85.00 -
Beautiful and rare 1882 trade card. 3×5.25″. One side has a very colorful illustration of a ship against an attractive background of wildlife in wilderness. The theme of the text on the reverse is “Avoid the fatigue and dust of Railways”.
$85.00 -
Beautiful and rare 1882 trade card. 3×5.25″. One side has a very colorful illustration of a ship with a lighthouse. The reverse lists the fleet list of the Mallory Line.
$85.00 -
pM26(Messageries Maritimes)
Superb advertising post card. Shows a port bow view of a liner at sea, along with ports served. 1958.
$45.00 -
Superb advertising card. Shows a port view of the ship on one side, and text on the reverse about the accommodations aboard, including steerage. Minimum fares- mentions companies steerage fares are “$2.00 cheaper than most other lines”. 3.5×6.25″. Issued c1880.
$100.00 -
Superb advertising card. Shows a port view of the ship on one side, and text on the reverse about the accommodations aboard, including steerage. Minimum fares- mentions companies steerage fares are “$2.00 cheaper than most other lines”. 3.5×6.25″. Some creasing and minor past marks. c1880.
$100.00 -
NAT04THE QUEEN(National)
Superb advertising card. Shows a port view of the ship on one side, and text on the reverse about the accommodations aboard, including steerage. Minimum fares- mentions companies steerage fares are “$$2.00 cheaper than most other lines”. 3.5×6.25″. Issued c1880.
$100.00 -
Very rare and beautiful post card. Shows a port view of the ship at sea, as well as a photo of the woman “Kronprinzessin Cecilie” Line flags also adorn the card. Statistics on back. Message on back about the voyage, Used, no stamp 1913.
$95.00 -
NGL98(North German Lloyd)
Souvenir ad card issued for the 1893 Columbian Exposition, Chicago. “Compliments of the North German Lloyd SS Co, Bremen; Largest SS Co. olf the World”. Nice night time illustration of ship on one side, and list of principal routes on the back. Paste marks on back, but most of text is readable. 4.25×6″.
$95.00 -
pNGL351(North German Lloyd)
pc. Nice 50 year advertising card for the line. Shows the offices in Bremen. “1857-1907”.
$60.00 -
HARD303(North German Lloyd)
Very colorful souvenir fan. One side has an attractive Japanese illustration, the other has the wording “Nordduetscher Lloyd Bremen” and the line emblem. 9×15″. Issued c1920s. Edges frayed.
$100.00 -
12 page booklet 8×9″. Contains Deck Plan, exterior photo, 8 elegant interior photos. Addl exterior illustration. Text, captions. Route map. Superb color covers. c1922.
$85.00 -
Colorful “State Line for Europe” advertising card. 3.5×5.75″. Front has a colorful illustration of a liner (3 masts one funnel), the reverse Lists fares. “Austin Baldwin & Co. Agents (NY & Chicago.) Service NY-Glasgow, Belfast, Liverpool.. A few paste marks on back. Rare. c1880.
$85.00 -
Colorful “State Line for Europe” advertising card. 3.25×6″. Front has a colorful illustration of a liner (3 masts one funnel), the reverse advertises First Class, Second Cabin & Steerage accommodations. A few paste marks on back. Service NY-Glasgow, Belfast, Liverpool. c1880.
$75.00 -
pWH373CYMRIC(White Star)
pc. Port bow view at sea. Graphically superb card with US & UK Flags on sides in wonderful color. Line flag on top. Valentines series card. c1910.
$125.00 -
Graphic14HOMERIC(White Star)
Dinner menu for Aug 11 1930. 4 page folder. 4.5×7.5″. Blank space for message. Folds closed to form a souvenir “Letter Card” that can be mailed. Superb illustration of the ship on the cover.
$60.00 -
pc. Colorful card “The First Day Out”. Shows passengers on deck. Tuck’s brand card. c1915.
$25.00 -
pc. Colorful card “The Second Day Out”. Shows passengers on deck, looking ill. Tuck’s brand card. c1915.
$25.00 -
pc. Comical Card: “Say George, Don’t you think its about time we got a Bite”. Shows 2 men fishing in a small boat with a large shark behind them. Used, 1943.