Catalog OfFeatured Ocean Liner Memorabilia – With Images
Please order by Item Number (please note that the numbers are not consecutive)
All items are in Very Good Condition, or better unless otherwise noted. Please order by Item Number. Items are ordered first by (steamship line) then by ship name. Please list alternate choices on your order when possible.
The term “pc” in the description indicates the item is a Post Card.
List of First Cabin Passengers. Montreal-Liverpool, Aug 4 1900. 8 pages + covers. 4.5×7.5″. List of officers, sailing schedule. Track chart on rear cover. Some writing on rear cover. Superb color cover illustration of liner at sea. One of her early voyages.
$125.00 -
AMERICAN07(American & Red Star)
Nice little 32 pg booklet + front cover. (Rear cover missing, lower right corner of front cover broken off.). 4.5×5.5″. Contains 4 exterior photos, 6 nice interior photos. Additional drawings depict ocean life. Text, captions, fleet list, schedule. Issued 1893. Superb!
$125.00 -
Tissue Deck Plan opens to 14×17.5″. A 2×4″ piece from the upper left corner is torn away, but it was only blank paper, no content is missing. c1900.
$195.00 -
Saloon Passenger List. NY-Glasgow. May 12 1883. 4 pages. 4.25×6″. Illustration of ship on cover, some stains on cover.
$125.00 -
4.5×8.25″ Deck Plan. Very Rare. Had been previously folded. c1890s.
$250.00 -
Saloon Passenger List. NY-Glasgow, June 16 1888. 4 page folder. 5×7.5″. Illustration of a 3 funnel ship on cover. Items from this liner are quite rare. Track chart.
$125.00 -
Saloon Passenger List. NY-Glasgow, June 1 1878. Small 4 page folder. 3×5″. Separation at fold has been repaired. Nice piece of older memorabilia!
$125.00 -
Saloon Passenger List. Glasgow-NY, May 6 1876. 4 page folder. 3×4.5″. Small sketch of liner on cover. List of Officers. Repair at seam.
$125.00 -
ATLTR09MARQUETTE(Atlantic Transport)
Very nice Deck Plan. Opens to 11×12″. 2 ink spots on white paper do not affect any content. c1900.
$175.00 -
ATLTR11MENOMINEE(Atlantic Transport)
Very nice Deck Plan. Opens to 11×12″. c1900.
$175.00 -
Very rare booklet for “Atlas Line of Royal Mail Steamers”. c1900 booklet about services from NY-West Indies. 64 pages + covers. 5×7″. Contains Deck Plan of steamer ALLEGHANY. Text about ships & services. Exterior photo of liner. Fares, schedules, fleet list, information. Fold open route map. Many nice old travel photos.
$125.00 -
AUSTLYD02BOHEMIA(Austrian Lloyd)
Very rare tissue Deck plan. First & Second classes. Opens to 12×13″. Edges frayed. Issued 1897.
$275.00 -
OS23MAURETANIA(Cunard White Star)
The Launching Brochure. July 20 1938. 32 pages + embossed covers. Beautiful full color illustration at the centerspread. 20 superb illustrations of the various building stages. Many are fold open plates. Text, photos of notable people in attendance. Nice full page illustration of the Mauretania I arriving at Rosyth on July 4 1935 to end her career. Minor tape damage to cover. 10.5×13″.
$200.00 -
OS21QUEEN ELIZABETH(Cunard White Star)
The Launching Booklet. Superb 32 page booklet + covers. 10.5×13″. “Sept. 27 1938 at Clydebank, in the presence of their Majesties the King & Queen…” Tip in illustrations (actually pasted into the booklet) of the King & Queen as well as other dignitaries. Thirteen of the plates show the various building stages of the Queen Elizabeth in color. Some of the plates open to double page size. Superb exterior illustration at the cenbterspread. Text. Additional half pages with decorative illustrations. Edge wear, minor tape repair.
$300.00 -
OS17QUEEN MARY(Cunard White Star)
The Launching Booklet. Superb 34 page booklet + covers. 10.5×13″. “Sept. 26 1934 at Clydebank, in the presence of their Majesties the King & Queen…” Tip in illustrations (actually pasted into the booklet) of the King & Queen as well as other dignitaries. Six of the plates show the various building stages of the Queen Mary. Some of the plates open to double page size. One of the illustrative plates was done by Frank Mason, it is a wonderful exterior view. Text: “A Masterpiece in the Making”.
$300.00 -
CUN/QM30QUEEN MARY(Cunard White Star)
“A Pictorial Souvenir of the World’s Largest Floating Palace”. 48 pages + covers. 9×11″. Published by Pier & Ocean Liner News Co” – 1936. Large exterior photo at centerspread, additional ext photo, 20 interior illustrations, 3 deck illustrations. All full page! Text, captions.
$125.00 -
CUN/QM44QUEEN MARY(Cunard White Star)
“The Stateliest Ship Now in Being”. Nice 12 page booklet + covers. 7.5×9.5″. Contains 5 illustratrions of the interior artwork on board, and 4 artists drawings of interior rooms. All in color. Text, captions. c1936.
$125.00 -
OS10QUEEN MARY(Cunard White Star)
Weekly Illustrated Special Queen Mary Number. “The Dramatic & Graphic Story of the World’s Greatest Ship.” 56 pages. 12×16″. Well over 100 photographs of the building process, exterior photos, interior photos, photos of artwork aboard, section on her Launch Ceremony etc. Several texts, captions. Nice Cut Away Diagram with 203 parts number coded. Additional photos of the men who helped build her and of the Launching. Nice color illustration of the ship on the cover. Covers re-inforced. Pages loose from binging, but complete in Very Good condition. 1936.
$200.00 -
“Aquitania Comparisons”. 24 page booklet + front cover. Rear cover is missing. 7.5×10.5″. 16 full page illustrations compare the liner in size with principal buildings & monuments of the time. Nice photo of the liner against NY Skyline. 3 additional exterior photos, 2 nice interior photographs. Size chart of all Cunarders back to the Britannia. c1914. Tape on rear page. 1 page loose from binding.
$175.00 -
“Over 80 Years of Transatlantic Travel”. Superb booklet. 32 pages+covers. 6.5×7″.A pictorial history of the Line 1840-1923. Exterior color illustration of each liner. Informative text. Nice chart with all ships & comparative stats. 1923.
$150.00 -
List of Saloon Passengers. Boston-Liverpool. May 24 1884. 4 page folder. 4.5×7″. The condition of this item is Excellent +. Quite old and rare!
$250.00 -
List of Saloon Passengers. Liverpool-NY. April 9 1892. 4 page folder. 4.25×7″. Nice cover with illustration of a ship. Space for log. Summary of passengers was filled in: 96 Saloon, 142 Second Cabin, 773 steerage, 282 crew. Slight tear.
$125.00 -
List of Saloon Passengers. NY-Liverpool. May 10 1882. 4 page folder. 4.5×7″. Superb engraving of young person on cover. Tape repair to spine. Very Rare!
$195.00 -
An extremely RARE post card. Shows a nice starboard view of the liner, on the River Clyde in Scotland. (Probably during her trials). Statistics on the bottom. Card printed by Valentine and Sons. Unused, in Mint condition. c1907. For those unaware, this is possibly the rarest of all Lusitania cards.
$250.00 -
Very Rare Post Card. Shows a starboard view of “Lusitania entering New York Harbor on Her Maiden Trip, September 13th, 1907”. Buildings of Castle Garden visible in the foreground. Crease at upper left corner.
$200.00 -
A Very RARE post card. Shows a nice starboard bow view of the liner, on the River Clyde in Scotland. (Probably during her trials). Statistics on the bottom. Card printed by Valentine and Sons. Unused c1907. This is one of a series of Very Rare cards produced by Valentines c1907.
$200.00 -
Very nice interior booklet. 32 pages + covers. 6.75×9.25″. Contains exterior photo, 24 elegant interior and deck photographs. One photo to a page. Text, captions. Pages loose from binding. c1910.
$750.00 -
Suberb interior booklet. 48 pages + covers. 6.25×7.25″. Exterior illustration, 16 full page interior & deck photographs. Text, captions. Covers First & Second classes. There is also an illustration of the ASCANIA. There is a section in the back called “Royalty and the Mall”. There are photos of the Grand Hotel, Hotel Metropole, Hotel Victoria, Grovenor Hotel in London as well as The Hotel Metropole in Brighton. There are 12 interior photos from the hotels. Test describes the history of the mall and the Royal Conncection. Cunard Crest Embossed on cover. Issued 1911. This booklet is often referred to as the Coronation Booklet. Minor writing on cover. A Gem!
$995.00 -
“Cunard’s Wonder Ships”. Superb 48 page booklet + covers. 8.5×11″. Exterior photo of each liner, 77 nice interior & deck photographs. Brief text, captions. Additional exterior photo of each, plus Mauretania, Caronia, Media/Parthia, Britannic. Nice color cover shows the 2 liners passing each other at sea. “By Far the Largest Superliners in the World”. Statistics. c1950.
$150.00 -
Saloon Passenger List. To Boston via Queenstown. Aug 31 1899. 4 pages + covers. 5×7.25″. Exterior photo of “CANADA” on cover. Extremely RARE, as the liner was chartered from Bibby Line for only four voyages. Front cover separated.
$125.00 -
Extremely RARE List of Second class Passengers. Liverpool-Boston, July 30 1903. 2 pages + covers. 5×7.5″. Exterior photo of “COMMONWEALTH” on cover. Fleet list, list of sailings, list of offices. Items from the MAYFLOWER are extremely rare: Her maiden voayge was April 9 1903 and she soon became the White Star Liner “CRETIC” (Nov 26 1903).
$175.00 -
“Souvenir of Fall River Line”. Extremely RARE and very OLD (c1890) item. Brochure opens to a very large 6×74″, and folds down into smaller hard covers. 6 exterior photos, 15 elegant interior photos from the ships. A few old historic photos of Statue of Liberty, company wharfs, Brooklyn Bridge. Description of ships. Old and very rare historic item. Worn.
$150.00 -
10.5″ long sailor toy doll. Stuffed body, with lifelike plastic face and shoes. In his hands is a cardboard accordion, White cap on head has wording “FINLAND LINE”. A superb souvenir. We are told that the doll was designed by Norah Wellings. c1915 (?)
$125.00 -
Large fold open cruise brochure for the Feb 1939 Raymond-Whitcomb West Indies cruise. Opens to a large 32.5×43″. Contains large color coded Deck Plan, aerial exterior photo, 6 interior photos. Text, captions, map, travel photos, itinerary, fares.
$125.00 -
Set of 12 B&W postcards “First Class” in original envelope. One exterior photo, 11 interiors [smoking room, “Guignol”, Chapel, Gymnasium, Grand Foyer, Salon de The, First class state room, Lounge, Dining room, Appartement de grand luxe, Sun Deck]. c1927
$75.00 -
Passenger List. 3rd class. Le Havre-NY, September 2 1939. 8 pages + covers. 5×9.5″. What is interesting about this list is the date. World War II began for France the day before, Sept. 1, 1939. This was the last ship to sail out of France for WW2, and one of the last ships to leave all of Europe. The �le de France carried 1,777 passengers, 400 more than her usual number. Most of the passengers were Americans, many of whom were tourists clamouring to leave France before the war broke out. During the voyage, the passengers were not only inconvenienced by the overcrowded conditions, but their activities were limited because the ship sailed with her lights extinguished. Other ships were not so lucky. The �le de France arrived in New York harbor on September 9, and while she was crossing the Atlantic Ocean, 16 vessels were sunk by torpedoes, mines, or gunfire.
$150.00 -
Superb collection of 21 photo post cards bound in a nice booklet. One exterior, 20 interior photos. All B&W. With captions. Spiral bound in nice stiff covers. Crest on cover. c1955.
$85.00 -
Cabin Passenger List. NY-Havre July 6 1880. 4 page folder. 6×9.25″. This item has superb graphic covers on both front and back. This item has been previously folded several times, and there are some tears (repaired) along one of the folds.
$150.00 -
L’ILLUSTRATION. Juin 1935. Measures a large 11.25×15″. 128 pages + covers. Contains over 140 photographs & illustrations of interior rooms, the beautiful artwork aboard and technical aspects of the great liner- many in full color! There are also many exterior photos and illustrations. Nice exterior illustration at the centerspread. Small Cut Away Diagram. French texts. Photos of the building process. Specially prepared ads. Aerial color illustration of the liner on the cover.
$300.00 -
26″ long souvenir hat ribbon. Name of ship, as well as the national & line flags are woven in. Red (faded). c1930s.
$150.00 -
26″ long souvenir hat ribbon. Name of ship, as well as the national & line flags are woven in. White. c1930s.
$150.00 -
26″ long souvenir hat ribbon. Name of ship, as well as the national & line flags are woven in. Light blue color. c1930s.
$150.00 -
Superb set of post cards. 10 superb cards bound in a nice booklet. “10 VUES / Serie 1″. Color illustration of Normandie on cover. Two exterior post cards, eight lovely interiors. [La Timonerie, Winter Garden, Grand Hall, De Luxe Cabin, Tourist Salon, Smoking Room, First cl Childrens Playroom, Chapel.] All B&W. Captions on all cards. All bound in original booklet. 3 3/4 x 6”. c1936.
$100.00 -
Superb set of post cards. 15 superb cards bound in a nice booklet. Three exterior post cards, twelve lovely interiors. [Grand Salon (3 views), Winter Garden (2 views), DeLuxe Stateroom (2 views), Dining Room, Private Dining Room, Promenade, Indoor Swimming Pool, Excercise Room] All B&W. Captions on all cards. All bound in original booklet. Tissue paper between most cards. One card loose from booklet. 3 3/4 x 6″. c1936.
$150.00 -
“Across the Atlantic in One Class Cabin and Second Cabin”. Nice 16 page booklet. 8×9″. 6 exterior photos, 33 elegant interior photographs. Text, captions, specimen menus. Attractive cover panels with illustration of liner. c1923.
$150.00 -
HAPx14COLUMBIA(Hamburg American)
List of Cabin Passengers. NY-Genoa. Nov 28 1896. 4 page folder. 5.5×8.25″. Attractive cover with photo of a 3 stack liner on cover. Track chart and space for log on rear cover. Had been previously folded. Some tears at edges, otherwise very good condition.
$125.00 -
HAP60FURST BISMARK(Hamburg American)
Tissue Deck Plan opens to 12×18″. This was not the North Atlantic ship of the same name that sailed unitl 1904. This ship of the same name sailed on the HAPAG South American services Issued c1910. Items from this liner are quite scarce.
$225.00 -
HAP129GRAF WALDERSEE(Hamburg American)
Tissue Cabin Deck Plan. First & Second classes. Opens to 20×30″. Issued 1907.
$250.00 -
HAP89HAMBURG(Hamburg American)
Tissue Deck Plan opens to 20×30″. “Mediterranean Service..All accommodation reserved for First Cabin, No second cabin”. Edges fraying, minor seam repair, otherwise Very Good Plus condition. Issued 1908.
$250.00 -
HAPx24HERDER(Hamburg American)
Cabin Passenger List. NY-Hamburg. July 18 1878. 4 pages. 7×11″. Illustration of the liner (with sails) on cover panel. Also lists officers. Space for log on back. Minor tears, had been previously folded. Condition very good considering age, small tears and folds.. Items from this liner are extremely rare, as she made her first voyage for HAPAG in 1874 and was wrecked off Cape race in 1882.
$200.00 -
HAP25IMPERATOR(Hamburg American)
“World’s Largest Ship”. 10.5″ square souvenir handkerchief. Appears to be silk. Illustration of ship, as well as statistics and wording “The Ship that Brought Me Home” printed on. Actually refers to ship as USS IMPERATOR, so ship was on war service. c1918.
$165.00 -
HAPx25NORMANNIA(Hamburg American)
List of Cabin passengers. July 4 1895. 6 pages + covers. 4.5×8″. Staining on cover. Color cover with illustration of 3 funnel liner. Items from this liner are quite rare!
$125.00 -
HAPx32NORMANNIA(Hamburg American)
List of Saloon Passengers. NY-Genoa, Feb 16 1895. 4 pages + covers. 5.5×8.25″. Small illustration of a liner as sen thru the port hole on cover. Excellent condition. Items from this liner are quite rare!
$125.00 -
HAP153PATRICIA(Hamburg American)
Tissue Deck Plan opens to 12×19″. Shows First & Second classes. c1901.
$250.00 -
HAP134PRETORIA(Hamburg American)
First and Second Cabin Tissue Deck Plan. Opens to 16×20″. Splits at seams repaired. Issued 1904.
$250.00 -
“The Luxury of Leisure”. Cabin Class booklet. 16 pages. 8×9″. Contains 4 exterior photos, 24 elegant interior photographs. Text, captions. Issued 1935.
$125.00 -
plNASM07P. CALAND(Holland America)
Passenger List. Amsterdam-NY. Nov 4 1891. Handwritten log of all passengers. 24 pages + hard covers. (“NASM Passenger List”) 4×13.25″. One page for each letter of alphabet (except “I” and “X”). 92 III class passengers.
$195.00 -
plNASM11SPAARNDAM(Holland America)
Passenger List. Rotterdam-NY. Nov 7 1891. Handwritten log of all passengers. 24 pages + hard covers. (“NASM Passenger List”) 4×13.25″. One page for each letter of alphabet (except “I” and “X”). 31 I class, 80 II class & 614 Steerage passengers.
$195.00 -
plNASM18WERKENDAM(Holland America)
Passenger List. Rotterdam-NY. Jan 16 1892. Handwritten log of all passengers. 24 pages + hard covers. (“NASM Passenger List”) 4×13.25″. One page for each letter of alphabet (except “I” and “X”). 12 I class, 25 II class & 493 Steerage passengers.
$195.00 -
Second Cabin Passenger List. Liverpool-New York, Oct 21 1891. 4 page folder. 5×7.5″. Graphic front cover. Exterior illustration of City of New York/City of paris on rear cover. Had been previously folded, weak at fold. Minor tape repair.
$125.00 -
Tissue Deck Plan. Saloon class only ship. 11.25×14″. Text states “Electric Light Throughout”. c1910.
$175.00 -
Superb 20 page booklet. 8×9″. Contains 14 sets of Deck Plans! Exterior photo, 12 nice interior and deck photographs. Descriptive text, maps, fares, information. Nice photos of points of interest along route. Issued 1916.
$125.00 -
“In the Class DeLuxe”. Nice 12 page booklet + covers. 8.5×13″. Folds down into smaller covers. Exterior photo and illustration, 25 elegant interior & deck photographs. Additional deck photo on rear cover. Text, captions. Issued c1927.
$150.00 -
NGL/B44BREMEN(North German Lloyd)
“Ein Fuhrer durch das Schiff und seine Einrichtungen”. (A Guide to the ship and its mechanisims). 60 page booklet + covers. 6×8.25″. Contains 2 exterior photos, 21 elegant interior & deck photos from all 3 classes, 3 photos of the construction. 4 photos of techical aspects, 2 photos of Lifeboats, Photo of Catapult Plane, 5 misc. photos showing the Capt, Von Hindenburg, etc.., photo of Roland Statue. Comprehensive text in German fully describes all classes. Complete index. c1930.
$150.00 -
Nice 16 page interior brochure. “Tourist Class”. Opens to 8×9″. 7 exterior photos, 31 elegant interior & deck photographs. Brief text, captions. Issued 1932.
$125.00 -
Fold open tissue cabin Deck Plan. Opens to 7×15″. Items from these liners are exceedingly RARE. These liners sailed mostly on the Germany-Baltimore service. Issued 1905.
$225.00 -
NGL167BULOW / YORCK / GOEBEN / KLEIST(North German Lloyd)
Fold open tissue cabin Deck Plan. Opens to 13×27.25″. Items from these liners are exceedingly RARE. These liners were built mostly for the Far East and Australia services. Printed in German. Issued 1907.
$250.00 -
NGLx51EMS(North German Lloyd)
Cabin Passenger List, Bremen-NY, Sept 10 1892. Opens to 7.5×20.25″. Lists names and their hometowns. Officers listed as well. Illustration of a liner under full sail on cover panel. Printed on heavy card stock. A split on the first seam has been repaired.
$150.00 -
NGL/E23EUROPA(North German Lloyd)
“Ein Fuhrer durch das Schiff und seine Einrichtungen”. (A Guide to the ship and its mechanisims). 48 page booklet + covers. 6×8.25″. Contains 2 exterior photos, 26 elegant interior & deck photos from all 3 classes, photo of the construction. Comprehensive text in German fully describes all classes. Complete index. 1936.
$150.00 -
NGLx17FULDA(North German Lloyd)
Cabin Passenger List. NY-Bremen. June 1 1889. 4 page folder. 4.5×6.5″. Illustration of a ship on cover. Very nice!
$175.00 -
NGL160GROSSER KURFURST(North German Lloyd)
Rare tissue Deck Plan. Opens to 15.25×34″. Excellent condition. Issued for her Feb 11 1909 Cruise to the Mediterranean & The Orient. Complete cabin by cabin fares.
$250.00 -
NGL104KAISER WILHELM DER GROSSE, others(North German Lloyd)
“To The Levant and the Land of the Pharos”. Nice 66 page booklet + colorful front cover. Rear cover missing. 7×9.5″. Contains 6 exterior photos, 16 elegant interior photographs – most from KAISER WILHELM DER GROSSE. Other unnamed ships. Text, captions, lots of travel photos. c1906.
$125.00 -
NGL196KONIGIN LUISE(North German Lloyd)
Rare tissue Cabin Deck Plan. Opens to 14×30.5″. Issued March 1902. Excellent condition.
$250.00 -
NGLx73LAHN(North German Lloyd)
Cabin Passenger List. NY-Bremen. March 12 1890. 4 page folder. 4.5×6.5″. Photo of liner on cover. List of officers.
$125.00 -
NGL82NECKAR(North German Lloyd)
Superb and very RARE item. 3.25×6″ card. Contains illustration of the liner on one side (shown with sails) and a partial Cabin Deck Plan on the other. It appears that originally the item had 2 additional panels that opened with the remainder of the Deck Plan. Extremely rare item from this very early NGL item. A few paste marks on back. c1870s.
$150.00 -
NGLx79ODER(North German Lloyd)
Cabin and “Zwischendecks” Passenger List. Bremen-NY, Oct 3 1880. 12 pages. 5.5×8.5″. Illustration of liner under full sail on cover. Lists passengers as well as hometowns. Officers listed as well. Interestingly, the passenger names are not alphabetized. This liner was wrecked in 1887. Poor condition. Some tears, covers and a few other pages were seperated.
$125.00 -
NGL109PRINZESS IRENE(North German Lloyd)
Rare tissue Cabin Deck Plan. Opens to 14.25×29″. Issued January 1903. Small stain.
$250.00 -
NGL173SAALE / TRAVE / ALLER(North German Lloyd)
Deck Plan opens to 6×19″. First & Second Cabin. Long ago, a former collector pasted the end panel to a piece of cardboard, so when it is folded it is rigid and protected. Extremely Rare, as items from these ships are very seldom seen. The original owner penned in dates in the year 1890.
$295.00 -
NGL101SCHLESWIG(North German Lloyd)
Rare tissue Deck Plan. Opens to 16×28″. Issued 1911. Excellent condition.
$250.00 -
NGL159SPREE / HAVEL(North German Lloyd)
Deck Plan opens to 6×19″. First and Second classes. Issued 1890s.
$295.00 -
Rare Deck Plan. Opens to 8×21″. Shows First & Second classes. Issued 1894.
$195.00 -
“Orient Pacific Guide”. Absolutely superb Hard Covered book issued about 1901. 458 pages + fold open maps, charts, plans, etc. 6.5×8.5″. Contains Deck Plans of ORTONA and OMRAH. Contains exterior illustration plates of the following liners: AUSTRAL, CUZCO, OPHIR, ORIENT, ORIZABA, ORMUZ, OROYA, ORUBA, OMRAH, ORTONA. 9 elegant interior illustrations. Numerous fold out charts & maps of the world, including distances, Star Charts, Thames approaches, etc.. Several pages of House Flags and National flags in color. Numerous texts: about ship, ports, the stars, universal time, seamanship. Additional plates of travel illustrations. Nice old ads. Condition is Very Good with binding intact and strong. Protective plastic over covers. 2″ cut to one of the ad pages. A GEM of an item. Extremely RARE.
$500.00 -
16 page booklet. 9×12″. Contains 3 sets of small Deck Plans, 5 exterior photos, 12 nice interior & deck photographs. Additional photo comparing the Mongolia in size with the Flat Iron building in Chicago. Text, captions. Many nice period travel photos. Map, general information. c1905.
$125.00 -
List of Cabin Passengers. Glasgow-NY, August 10 1888. 4 page folder. 4.5×7.25″. Superb illustration of ship, with sails, on rear cover. Tears at edges, split on seam. Fair condition.
$125.00 -
Cabin Class Rates & Deck Plans. 12 page booklet. 9×16″. 3 interior photos. Text. Contains 4 sets of Deck Plans! Exterior sketches of the liners. Small split at top seam of cover. Issued 1929.
$150.00 -
Tissue Deck Plan. Measures 6×12.5″. The bottom is trimmed slightly unevenly, but the entire plan is unharmed. (One deck) c1911. Items from the Uranium Line are very Rare. In 1916 the line ceased operation and sold all their ships to Cunard. The URANIUM became the FELTRIA, and was torpedoed in 1917.
$195.00 -
List of First & Second Class Passengers. NY-Rotterdam, July 6 1911. 4 pages + covers. 4.75×6.75″. List of Officers, sailing schedule, general information. Items from the Uranium Line are very Rare. In 1916 the line ceased operation and sold all their ships to Cunard. The URANIUM became the FELTRIA, and was torpedoed in 1917.
$125.00 -
Cabin Rates, Deck Plans and General Information. 8 pages. 9.5×10″. Contains First Class Deck Plans for LAURENTIC / MEGANTIC, Second Class Deck Plans for LAURENTIC / MEGANTIC, One Class Deck Plans for TEUTONIC, One class Deck Plans for CANADA. Illustration of Laurentic on cover. Issued Feb 1 1911. Pages loose from binding.
$850.00 -
Ornate milk glass plate. 7.5″ diameter. Color starboard view of the ship at sea at the center of the plate. Worn, part of illustration is worn off. Still a very nice piece. I can’t find any markings on the back, except for some scratches.
$200.00 -
WHx72CYMRIC(White Star)
Saloon Passenger List. Liverpool-NY. Sept 5 1902. 4 pages + covers. 5×7.25″. Sailing schedules, information, fleet list. Nice track charton rear cover. Nice “Ismay Imrie & Co.” cover.
$135.00 -
WHx51OCEANIC(White Star)
Second Class Passenger List. NY-Southampton. Feb 12 1908. 12 pages + covers. 5×7.5″. Fleet List, sailings schedules, general information. Photo of the Oceanic on the rear cover.
$125.00 -
WHx42ROMANIC(White Star)
First Class Passenger List. NY-Genoa. July 6 1905. 12 pages + covers. 5×7.5″. Information, sailing schedules, fleet list. Information on other services. Track chart. Excellent condition.
$125.00 -
WHx50TEUTONIC(White Star)
Saloon Passenger List. NY-Liverpool. May 2 1894. 4 pages + covers. 5×7.5″. Information, sailing schedules, fleet list. Track chart. Small stain on cover.
$175.00 -
WHx52TEUTONIC(White Star)
Second Class Passenger List. NY-Southampton. July 8 1908. Before the names “St. Louis Turner=Reise=Gesellschaft” is printed on. There are many German names aboard. 12 pages + covers. 5×7.5″. Fleet List, sailings schedules, general information. Photo of the BALTIC on the rear cover.